Abstract | Nakon održanih radionica tijekom kojih su nastali praktični radovi štićenika Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje ,,Ivan Štark'' Osijek može se zaključiti kako terapiju ne možemo odvojiti od umjetnosti ili obrnuto. Svaki se pojedinac likovno izražava, bio likovno obrazovan ili ne. Pojedinci koji nakon osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja odluče umjetnički se razvijati i u daljnjem obrazovanju produbljuju svoja saznanja o samoj umjetnosti, ali iz razvijaju neverbalnu komunikaciju sa promatračima njihovih radova. Također produbljuju i razvijaju vlastiti stilski likovni izraz. Neki od tih pojedinaca možda nisu svjesni da crtanjem pokazuju svoja unutarnja stanja, misli i emocije, odnosno skrivenu poruku u crtežu. Crtanjem se pojedinac opušta i provodi neku vrstu terapije, pomaže si, a da toga možda nije svjestan. Art terapija kao metoda neverbalne komunikacije pomaže osobama s poteškoćama da se lakše izraze o problemima s kojima se suočavaju. Primjena art terapije moguća je kod svih, psihofizički bolesnih ili zdravih osoba ovisno o problemu ili poteškoći s kojima se susreću. Smatram da su kreativnost i likovni izraz od iznimne važnosti koji nikako ne smijemo uskratiti ikome. Poneki se pojedinci s psihomotoričkim bolestima i traumama neće znati koristiti likovnim elementima i načelima poput zdravih ili umjetničko obrazovanih pojedinaca, ali to nužno nije ni potrebno. Iz radova štićenika ali i poznatih umjetnika da se zaključiti da spontani likovni izraz pokazuje pojedine likovne elemente i kompozicijska načela bez obzira na obrazovanje. Bilo bi suludo koristiti likovni izraz samo radi stvaranja lijepog i ugodnog oku, kad je raspon umjetničkog izraza puno više od toga. |
Abstract (english) | The conclusion to workshops held for proteges of Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje "Ivan Štark" Osijek is rather trivial, but yet impeccable - there is no way to seperate therapy from art, or vice versa. Every individual expesses itself artistically, whether is educated in art or not. Those who decide to pursuit their career in art after elementary school, will increase their knowledge about the art. At the same time, they will develop non-verbal communication with their audience and create their own style of expression. Some of those indiviuduals may not be aware of their actions and results made by drawing and that they by doing it they are expressing their inner state, thoughts and emotions, revealing a hidden message from a simple draw. Drawing helps them to relax and perform a kind of therapy, self-help, without being aware of it. "Art therapy", as a method of non-verbal communcation, helps people with difficulties to express their problems easier. This therapy can be used by everyone, both physically and mentally handicapped, as well as by healthy people, depending on the issue they are dealing with. I believe that creativity and artistic expression are of great importance, and it shouldn't be deprived from anyone. Some people with psychomotor disorders might not be able to use elements and principles of art as good as a healthy or educated person would, but in the end, that's not even necessary. Both from the work of the proteges and famous artists art is leading us to the same conclusion: that the spontaneous artistic expressions will always show elements and principles of art, regardless of their education. It would be foolish to use artistic expression only to create nice and visually appealing drawings, when the range of expression is so much more than that. |